Meet our new Counselling Coordinator in Glasgow: Louise Nind

Hello! I am Louise (she/her) and I have just joined the LGBT Health and Wellbeing team in Glasgow as the Counselling Coordinator for the Mental Health Project. I am really excited for this new role, which will involve overseeing the day to day running of the counselling service, working with our fantastic team of counsellors and offering mental health support to individuals in the LGBT+ community.

I have worked as a counsellor in a bunch of different services and I find it so rewarding. I have a firm faith in the difference it can make to have a warm, non-judgmental space to explore your thoughts and feelings in. I am happy to say that I have witnessed this process of growth time and time again as a counsellor but as a client too. The therapeutic relationship is a very special one!

As Counselling Coordinator, I will be the go-to person in Glasgow if you are looking for counselling support. More information about accessing the service can be found here. After a short initial form is completed, I will meet with you to learn more about what challenges you are facing, what changes you would like to see in your life, and to discuss together what support would be most beneficial for you. Everyone is different, and that is a beautiful thing!

And what about me in my free time? I enjoy spending quiet hours crafting and making jewellery, and active hours swimming and doing Boxfit.  I love to travel and have been fortunate to have lived in lots of different parts of Scotland, but also New York and Malta. I am a total water baby so living by the sea was perfect for me. In a future life I would like to come back as a mermaid… or I would be delighted even to be a fish!

So far, I am thoroughly enjoying my new life at LGBT Health. Staff and volunteers alike have been so friendly and welcoming, and are all so passionate, energetic and knowledgeable about the work that they do. It’s a privilege to be part of the team and I really look forward to meeting more of the community as I settle in to this new role.

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