Call for LGBTQ+ members on Dementia Lived Experience Panel

Hello everyone! Rebecca (Policy and Research Officer) here.

LGBT Health and Wellbeing have been in conversation with the Scottish Government’s Dementia Policy Unit discussing the unique experiences of LGBTQ+ people who have lived experience of Dementia. As our previous work on the LGBT Dementia Project highlighted, there are additional challenges those of LGBTQ+ identity experience when they themselves, a loved one and/or family member has dementia.

The Scottish Government’s Dementia Policy Unit are in the process of developing Scotland’s Fourth National Dementia Strategy. The new Strategy aims to take a human rights-based approach which is trauma informed and understands the inequalities of experience those with protected characteristics (such as gender, sexuality, race, disability) can have in relation to living with / supporting a loved one with dementia.

To aid the development of a Dementia Policy Strategy which is informed by the lived experience of folks most marginalised, the Scottish Government is forming a Dementia Lived Experience Panel. This panel will allow for LGBTQ+ people with the lived experience of dementia, or those whose lives dementia has touched, to share their experiences, opinions, thoughts, wants and needs in regards to a new strategy. The Lived Experience Panel will provide space for LGBTQ+ people to highlight the ways in which our experiences are different because of our gender and/or sexual identity and will allow for an opportunity to highlight the acute needs of (often) older LGBTQ+ people or LGBTQ+ carers and informal carers.

The Panel is interested in hearing from any LGBTQ+ people, their families (including chosen) and friends whom:

  • Have lived experience of dementia
  • Are LGBTQ+ carers to a person with dementia
  • Are carers to an LGBTQ+ person with dementia
  • Provide informal care to a person with dementia
  • Are LGBTQ+ and have concerns related to dementia and their identity
  • Are academics and/or medical professionals
  • Have an interest in dementia and LGBTQ+ identities

Applications for the Dementia Lived Experience Panel are open until 20th June 2022. If you think you might be interested in applying to join the Panel, but are unsure of your eligibility or would like more information contact Rebecca on

To apply directly, you can send:

  • a short (2-3 minute) video
  • a written piece
  • a text message
  • a talking heads or voice recording

by email to or by text to 0777 028 2221, explaining what and how you will contribute to the panel. If there are any community members who would like support with an application, we are very happy to provide this – just reach out to or 0754 173 9819.

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