On The Plus Side: Community Discussion Report

LGBT Health and Wellbeing host quarterly discussion events as part of their Community Programme in both Edinburgh and Glasgow. This event was intended to be an in-person community discussion in Edinburgh but instead took place online to comply with UK-wide social distancing restrictions.

The LGBTQ+ community uses a variety of acronyms to refer to different identities and sexualities that fall under the umbrella of a diverse community. While LGBTQ+ and similar acronyms are the most common, they do not include every branch of the community.

How does it feel to identify with the “+” in LGBTQ+ acronyms? Does it represent or misrepresent? Is it an afterthought or inclusive? Members of the community gathered online to reflect on these questions for the quarterly community discussion.

The event featured a panel discussion by Pawel (www.polyamory.scot), Tavi (LGBT Health and Wellbeing), and Red (www.rightdownwiththesickness.wordpress.com) followed by an open discussion between panellists and members of the community.

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