LGBT Mental Health Audit Tool

LGBT Health and Wellbeing has produced Audit Tools which aim to build the capacity of mainstream organisations to provide more culturally sensitive and inclusive services to LGBT people. These easy to use Audit Tools are designed to guide practice development by helping service providers to think about the needs of LGBT people, their overall experience of using their service and how this can be further enhanced. The tools are designed to help identify practical steps towards ensuring LGBT-inclusive practice, including around policies and procedures, monitoring and promotion and publicity.

LGBT Health and Wellbeing launched its Mental Health Demonstration project in July 2010. The project was the first of its kind in the UK. The project was funded by the Scottish Government and a key outcome of the project was to develop a practical and lasting tool that would support the development of LGBT inclusive practice within mental health services.

The tool was developed with input from a wide range of statutory and third sector representatives including advisory group members from the Scottish Recovery Network (SRN), Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland, Consultation and Promotion Service (CAPS) and NHS Lothian. The audit tool was also shaped by our research with individuals who directly use mental health services.

The audit tool is designed to be used by any individual or team that provides a direct service to people. It is aimed at helping services think about their current practice and identify any further steps that they can take to improve their current practice.

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