Survey: Trans People and Work

A survey for trans people, including non-binary people, to share experiences of work

We know all too well that barriers to finding and staying in work play an important part in trans inequality.  Current research points to serious issues with work such as discrimination, harassment and bullying. As a community organisation, we regularly hear about these issues. We are also aware there are lots of ideas about the positive changes we can make to increase equality at work, and we can make those changes happen.

We want to understand more about your experiences with work and what you think would make it a more inclusive place for trans people.  We are interested in a wide range of experiences and are keen to hear from trans people both in and out of work.

Your feedback will help us to understand the situation so we can raise awareness about your experiences and identify how we can support you to challenge work-related barriers and move towards equality.

The survey should only take around 10 minutes to complete.

Take the survey:

If you have any further comments you haven’t been able to get across in the survey, please get in touch with our Policy Manager Rosie Tyler-Greig:
email  or call 0131 652 3285


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