Trans people and work in Scotland: new research

Our new research highlights work barriers for trans people in Scotland.

Here at LGBT Health and Wellbeing we are passionate about promoting the health, wellbeing and equality of LGBT adults in Scotland. We know trans (including non-binary) people experience specific barriers when looking for and staying in work. We wanted to understand more about these barriers in a Scottish context, and how they can be challenged.

Our recent Trans People and Work research is the first major Scottish research on the experiences of trans people at work and when looking for work.

The research highlights the many challenges and barriers trans people can face in relation to employment and makes recommendations for government, for equality bodies, and for employers.

The report findings point to a strong need for better policies, awareness raising, education, guidance and training, alongside greater positive visibility of trans people.

Maruska Greenwood, our Chief Executive, said:
“Although there are positive experiences and examples of good practice, the overall picture points to many people experiencing acute disadvantage due to their trans identity. These include negative effects on job prospects, workplaces not being trans inclusive, harassment and unfair treatment at work and mental health impact.”

Less than half of survey respondents felt their workplace was trans inclusive, and less than a quarter felt that the policies and strategies in their workplace go far enough to ensure work equality for trans people. Over half had experienced harassment at work, and most did not report it: most felt managers in their workplace were not adequately equipped to deal with transphobic harassment or bullying.

We hope the report findings and recommendations will act as a catalyst for change, help inform progress towards greater work equality and, ultimately, the economic advancement and social inclusion of trans people in Scotland.

Download the full report or read the executive summary

Trans People and Work in Scotland

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