Volunteers Week Scotland: Aaron

Hi! My name is Aaron (pronouns) and I volunteer for LGBT Age at LGBT Health and Wellbeing. I help deliver both Coffee Posse online and  in Glasgow which are monthly meetups for LGBT+ people aged 50 and over to come together and connect.

How did you find out about LGBT Health and Wellbeing first and what was your journey to becoming a volunteer?

I had looked online for volunteering opportunities in Glasgow. When I came across LGBT Age I recognised a *fantastic* staff member’s name from an LGBT organisation I attended when I was a teenager which confirmed this was the right organisation for me!

Can you tell us a little bit more about your role?

I am volunteering with the Coffee Posse. I had my first volunteering session with the Virtual Coffee Posse and am looking forward to my first in-person session soon. So far, I know it’s about creating conversation within a lively and friendly bunch – all while ensuring a safe and welcoming space for everyone.

What are you most proud of as a volunteer with LGBT Age?

To know that I am giving input to the generation who laid the path before me and enabled the privilege I am lucky to have now as a member of the LGBTQ+ Community. I am proud that by volunteering I can offer a show of thanks to the older generation of our community.

What would you like to achieve as a volunteer?

Firstly, I hope to bring a wee bit of happiness to the people who attend and hope I make them feel welcomed. I am also a nursing student and I hope this unique volunteering experience will give me better insight for inclusive care for members of the LGBTQ+ Community and that I will go on to advocate for my community within healthcare.

What would you like to change for the community?

I hope that one day we all feel safe in ALL spaces to comfortably be our beautiful selves. Most of all I hope to influence and create that environment when I become a nurse – as accessing healthcare can often be daunting for the LGBTQ+ Community.

Do you have a role model? Someone that inspires you?

I am happily and uniquely 1 of 1 but I seek to learn from everyone I meet, to open my mind and take influence from all of those around me so I can always have new experiences and continue to grow.

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